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Officer Applications 3.0


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With the announcement of the prospect of VVS and AFSOC coming back soon we would like to open officer applications to those factions and all current open factions.(so only factions that can be applied to are 2GA, USMC, VVS, AFSOC, MARSOC, and SSO)
Format Below:

Name (IGN):
Steam ID:

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right):

What faction do you want to help:

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum):

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum):

How much time can you dedicate to the server:

Lastly, what do you think can help the server:

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Name (IGN): Level 10 GYATTT (Tesla)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526383088

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 246

What faction do you want to help: VVS

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum):
I've been an officer and lead many factions in time with mrp in paragon I led ALB before it got switched to GIGN and was in Vega up to rank of SGM, In GG I lead SSO GRU and held many positions of an officer role in that server. I know how to hold myself in officer position as well as get along with everyone, even if I don't like them. I have been banned from the server but since learned what right and isn't right in the server and have changed a lot since the server opened back up. I hold myself to a high standard and am willing to listen and learn. IT was also my first ban on any MRP server i keep my self composed and responsible

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum):
The experience I have leading factions as well as being an officer in a faction surpasses a lot of my peers. I have also been staff on GG and this server and have always held that rank until i have left my position. When i lead my factions i have been told i lead them well and everyone was happy with how they performed and acted. I hold high standards with factions i hold such a role in. My ability to understand people as well is a good aspect to have as an officer as people have lives and that needs to be understood and many people don't understand that and know how to manage it in game.

How much time can you dedicate to the server: around 2-3 hours a day more on my days off and when i don't have irl military duties

Lastly, what do you think can help the server: I think making the server have less of a performance issue and promoting the server right now is what the server needs. As well as leaders and officers those who have lead factions and know how to get people to stay on the server no matter how that is.. With Garry's mod and MRP as it is now we need to do our best to make the server fun hosting events trainings and keeping people intrigued. Thank you first off for reading my app and I hope I can benefit the server if or if not selected
Name (IGN): Mozzie

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:76561198390780858

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 1 week and 6 days

What faction do you want to help: VVS

I have led before:
2GA (High ranking Officer with good records and medal)
VVS (stepping in while in complete absence of the Commander as 2IC)

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum): I should be chosen as an officer primarily because of my previous experience in Officer and Command roles. On this server, I have been a NATO Officer, 2GA high ranking Officer and a VVS 2IC Officer. On other servers, I have been a Green Beret Officer, and other various officer ranks. I would really like to help out the faction by bringing in more RP and having more communication with our teammates. Also, Delta definitely needs the help due to the fact that they have very few active officers or members and I love helping factions with low numbers.

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum): There are a few, as why I am a better choice than other applicants, including my experience and funny personality. As I previously mentioned, I have a lot of experience when it comes to managing factions on MilRP servers. Thanks to this how to run an officer team and enlisted with good care. I also make a decent leader due to my prior experience in different servers in gmod. While I like to be a clown sometimes while playing gmod, I am also strict when it comes to performance and standards for any faction I help lead.

How much time can you dedicate to the server: 4+ hours on weekdays, and 5+ hours on weekends

Lastly, what do you think can help the server: I think promoting semi-seriousness, activity, and RP on the server can definitely make people like the server more. Especially for Officers, previous experiences have taught me that a very serious officer is not the best officer. Also, I think just getting a new faction active and to support the other players as its role is supposed with helicopters will in turn make the whole server more fun.

I came to fullfill my promise to the Marshal
Denied. Ik you’re a good officer you’re just not active enough.
Name (IGN): Gregori Rasputin
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:214284679

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 4h - 3m

What faction do you want to help: RAF (Russian Air Forces)

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum): As it is i have small playtime on the server however i have been very active among the many MRP servers of Gmod in the past and will plan to do the same with this one, i also have alot of experience using WAC aircrafts and VFL aircraft's and am hoping to help further the development and testing so that we may sooner release them and RAF as a whole, i also want to be able to help train more pilots so we can get the upper hand in vehicle warfare.

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum): i cant really saying im better but i would give a lot of time and dedication towards RAF, Some leadership traits i take pride in displaying is having a great sense of judgement and initiative towards many situation that i come across and do everything i can to judge everyone fairly and do what i can to assess the situation and help find a solution to the problem, however my biggest goal is to help better train the pilots of tomorrow because as it is we lack a lot in special forces but if we could surpass the US in vehicle warfare i feel we may turn the tides of war for the better of the Russian Army.

How much time can you dedicate to the server: i do work however i have some time between where i can spend 4-8 hours towards the server.

Lastly, what do you think can help the server: this could be me but i sometimes struggle to identify the teams due to some of the classes looking very similar and feel that some added body texture could help with the solution.
Denied. you’re fun to play with a nice but I thin you need a bit more experience on a higher position.

Name (IGN): Level 10 GYATTT (Tesla)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526383088

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 246

What faction do you want to help: VVS

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum):
I've been an officer and lead many factions in time with mrp in paragon I led ALB before it got switched to GIGN and was in Vega up to rank of SGM, In GG I lead SSO GRU and held many positions of an officer role in that server. I know how to hold myself in officer position as well as get along with everyone, even if I don't like them. I have been banned from the server but since learned what right and isn't right in the server and have changed a lot since the server opened back up. I hold myself to a high standard and am willing to listen and learn. IT was also my first ban on any MRP server i keep my self composed and responsible

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum):
The experience I have leading factions as well as being an officer in a faction surpasses a lot of my peers. I have also been staff on GG and this server and have always held that rank until i have left my position. When i lead my factions i have been told i lead them well and everyone was happy with how they performed and acted. I hold high standards with factions i hold such a role in. My ability to understand people as well is a good aspect to have as an officer as people have lives and that needs to be understood and many people don't understand that and know how to manage it in game.

How much time can you dedicate to the server: around 2-3 hours a day more on my days off and when i don't have irl military duties

Lastly, what do you think can help the server: I think making the server have less of a performance issue and promoting the server right now is what the server needs. As well as leaders and officers those who have lead factions and know how to get people to stay on the server no matter how that is.. With Garry's mod and MRP as it is now we need to do our best to make the server fun hosting events trainings and keeping people intrigued. Thank you first off for reading my app and I hope I can benefit the server if or if not selected
Accepted. We already talked and you know our deal
Name (IGN): Zakariya
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:503658864

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the top right): 49 Hours

What faction do you want to help: VVS

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum):
I have been consistently playing MRP for the last two years. Most of the current community knows my dedication within MRP and the amount of effort I show during my time on different servers. My knowledge of the fundamentals of running a faction and how to maintain a faction's health is important in considering me as an officer.

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum):
My achievements over the years have shown why I have been able to maintain high positions and have a massive impact on the MRP communities. I believe the knowledge that I can bring in and the solutions that I can bring forth to problems in factions or the server, in general, makes me a better fit than the rest of the player base.

How much time can you dedicate to the server:
As much as I am putting in right now. Can fluctuate

Lastly, what do you think can help the server:
The thing I am working on is expanding on the roleplay of the server. Roleplay for MRP at least has consistently been a disaster. The usage of the /roll system has failed to make changes within the RP aspects of the server. I have brought various ideas regarding missions, utilizing the current terminal system in advancing roleplay within the servers, and various other ideas over the years to help sophisticate the RP problem within MRP servers.
Dm me and we can work out what kinda position you want in VVS
Name (IGN): Cosmos
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:478313462

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 3h 30m

What faction do you want to help: AFSOC

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum):
I should be chosen to become an officer in Air Force Special Operations Command for a couple of reasons. First reason being I'm seasoned in playing military rp game mode since 2019 and play it very strategical. I'm not the best aim with a gun on the battlefield but out smart the enemy most of the time to get the objective. Secondly I'm relatively good at flying LVS, I been flying LFS for years and LVS handles mostly the same but with more control over most aircraft where transferring over has been pretty easy. I have been on USAF on many servers in the past and made it to officer every time and know pretty much every operation air command runs from deploying troops from the air when giving the green light to doing fast hovering down and lifting off for immediate evacs.

What makes you better than any other Officer
What makes me better than other officers is mainly experience I have, I may not have the best aim with normal guns but with strategy and mounted weapons on helicopters is where I thrive.

Get more hours then we will talk.
Name (IGN): NotSwagger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:67926398

In-game Playtime (You can check this in the the top right): 1 Week 6 Days

What faction do you want to help: SSO

Why should we choose you to become an Officer (50 words minimum): I have been back active on the server and have been one of the most active people. I have the skills to train people up and better them in PVP and in RP. I currently serve in the US Army and could teach information / tactics to better the faction in PVP and implement RP scenarios to entertain everyone while it is peace time. I have the experience and the time to help the server and teach people what I know.

What makes you better than any other Officer/player (50 words minimum): I have been a high-ranking officer in both tier one units on the server, serving as Vega LTC and leading DF as a COL. I have lots of experience in leading factions / being in high positions. I grew Vega with Yurri, created docs, made tryouts for said factions. I have the time to be active, am excited to play and am ready to help a faction grow. I have taken the time to learn how to be a good leader and would like to spread my knowledge to the rest of the people I interact with.

How much time can you dedicate to the server: 2 hours x day if I don't get off late from work (almost never)

Lastly, what do you think can help the server: Advertising, spreading the server to people you know have Garry's Mod, most people have the game, and those same people are probably tired of playing COD every day.
Former DF COL / CIA DIR, Vega LTC
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