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MilitaryRP Rules


Take your time and read ALL the rules. Failing to do so and breaking them ingame may result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the offense. Rules are subject to change and may be changed without warning. Make sure to check for any changes so you can enjoy your experience without any problems.

*Keep in mind that the rules are subject to change. To stay up-to-date, we recommend that you reread the rules weekly*

Interaction with Admins

Admins are here to help you do not argue or provoke them, follow the rules, and when requesting an admin, try to explain yourself the best way. Follow what the admin says, even if it is not specified in the rules, and do not start arguing with them; if an admin breaks a rule or is extremely rude to you, you may report him on the forums. Remember that the admins are administrating to improve your experience and playtime; please respect them (as well as the other players on the server).

General Rules

  • RDM is not allowed. (RDM is the act of killing or attacking someone without reason relating to the context of RP)
  • You cannot "Friend Claim." This is the act of killing anyone who kills someone else just because you claim to be "friends."
  • DO NOT break NLR (New Life Rule)
  • DO NOT Fail RP. This is the act of failing to RP with a job properly within the scope of the rules. If you are in a specific job requiring you to carry out specific duties and you are failing to carry out those duties, you will be demoted.
  • DO NOT scam anyone. (pretending to sell items or services and then take the money without providing those items or services)
  • DO NOT metagame. Use of OOC (Out of Character) information to benefit yourself in an IC (In-Character) situation.
  • DO NOT abuse hitboxes. This is the act of being able to shoot someone without them being able to shoot you back!
  • DO NOT Crouch jump unless using it to get on to or over a point that requires it.
  • DO NOT Crouch Spam. This is the act of spamming crouches in mid-air or while walking.
  • DO NOT use multiple adverts in one.
  • DO NOT randomly fire your weapon. This is FAIL RP
  • DO NOT appoint yourself to a rank you weren't given.
  • DO NOT base camp during wars or any other circumstance.
  • Exploiting of any kind is not permitted. This included the server mechanics and add-ons. Any confusion on exploiting may be clarified by Executives.
    • Players may not use client-sided addons in any way that gives them a competitive advantage. Simple gun skins are permitted, but editing sights to remove the metal but leave the reticle, editing models, or editing skins to make them stand out is not permitted.
  • Loop-holing or attempting to loophole a rule is prohibited.
  • You may not purposefully defibrillate the opposing force unless they consent to the action.

DO NOT disrespect/harass/troll/be prejudiced towards your fellow players.
DO NOT hack/exploit/cheat.
DO NOT chat spam. (send massive/repeated messages constantly)
DO NOT Impersonate staff members.
NO ADVERTISING OF ANY KIND. (links in RP name, links in chat)
DO NOT spam the Knock function.
DO NOT body block unless it makes complete sense in the context of the role-play.
DO NOT attempt to find or take advantage of loopholes in our rules. This will result in a swift and severe punishment.
No offensive/inappropriate names
If a staff member tells you to do something, listen. The staff is here for a reason.
Staff word is FINAL. (If you think the staff is misunderstanding you, or missing any important information, report it on the forums.)

General RP Rules

Fear RP applies.
RDM is not allowed. (RDM is the act of killing or attacking someone without reason relating to the context of RP)
You cannot "Friend Claim." This is the act of killing anyone who kills someone else just because you claim to be "friends."
DO NOT break NLR (New Life Rule)
DO NOT Fail RP. This is the act of failing to RP with a job properly within the scope of the rules. If you are in a specific job requiring you to carry out specific duties and you are failing to carry out those duties, you will be demoted.
DO NOT scam anyone. (pretending to sell items or services and then taking the money without providing those items or services)
DO NOT metagame. Use of OOC (Out of Character) information to benefit yourself in an IC (In-Character) situation.
DO NOT abuse hitboxes. This is the act of being able to shoot someone without them being able to shoot you back!
DO NOT use multiple adverts in one.
DO NOT randomly fire your weapon. This is FAIL RP
DO NOT appoint yourself to a rank you weren't given.
DO NOT base camp during wars or any other circumstance.
DO NOT spawn camp.

Rules Of Engagement
  • This is for Both Sides: If a player has a weapon (this includes knives/explosives), they are KOS. Any
  • You can’t kill people on claims or their base, either.
  • Quick swapping will be enforced, as you have to wait 1 second once the animation has been completed. For example, you can't pull a gun out and shoot right away.
Raiding Rules
  • All targets in the enemy base are fair game during a raid, including those in buildings. The only thing not allowed is the intentional spawn camp of the enemy. You may not shoot into the spawn garages.
    You must be O-1+, with at least one other player, to call a raid. You must then advert raid. Attackers have 1 life, and defenders have unlimited.
  • Defenders firing back while outside of the base are subject to being shot and killed.
  • The cooldown per country is 10 minutes. Raids must not exceed 5 minutes in length.
  • You can NOT raid with PTE.
    Raid Rescue
  • You may advert a raid rescue if you know they are kidnapped through RP, and know their location through RP.
  • There is a 5 minute raid rescue cooldown.
  • You may Raid Rescue at any location, including the opposition's base.
  • During a Raid Rescue the kidnapped player may not be intentionally killed by either side.
Miscellaneous Rules
Denial of Tryout
  • Officers of a given faction that are hosting tryouts hold every right to deny you from joining their faction - their reasoning may be based on anything from your in-game statistics (kill-death) as well as your attitude in 3rd party OOC networks. E.g., Your perspective on the forums and Teamspeak is childish. Therefore, you may not join MARSOC.
Custom Jobs:
  • The only allowable characters in an RP name are the keys found on an English keyboard. ie: A-Z, 0-9, punctuation marks, etc.
  • Minge/Explicit RP Names or Jobs that would break server rules are also not allowed.
  • Spawn/Base Camping
    • You can not kill players within the walls of the opposing sides base.
  • Kidnapping
    • You have to be an Officer of a faction followed by 2 other players of the same side.
      • If you happen to be kidnapped with an advert, you lose all In-character Communications and weapons.
    • Factions may only hold one person kidnapped at a time.
    • Sims
  • Sims have to be on a claim that is not within the base.
  • Sims have to be started via a Sims Start/stop Advert.
  • All players must have a targetable name with at least three characters. No special characters.
  • Self-damage is when you inflict 50 damage to yourself or die from your own weapons. Self Damage is a warnable offense.

Chat Rules
  • Advert Misuse: The Advert chat may only be used to deliver important in-character information or server announcements. E.g. Raid/Kidnap
  • COMMS: Is in character and needs either [NATO] or [SRG] to show which side you’re talking too.

Faction Rules & Information
  • Permission to Speak: PTS is a form of communication control used by your faction's Officers. When PTS is active, you may not speak without being granted permission to.
  • KOS Zones/Claims: You may claim any area of the map (apart from your own or the enemy’s base) as long as it is clear what you are claiming and it can be reasonably identified by other players. In addition, you may KOS said claimed area to those that are not in your faction or not authorized to be there, and kill them should they intrude on your claim, friendly or not.
  • You must allow people on the claim at least 15 seconds to leave the claim before killing them.
  • People needing claims for tryouts take priority, regardless of the order they were claimed. If two factions both need the location for tryouts, the first advert called will be the valid claim.
  • PTL: E-4+ in all factions may bring lower enlisted below the rank of E-4 with them out of base without granting a formal PTL as long as the enlisted below E-4 follow the E-4+.
  • Faction Leaders: If you have been recently promoted to a faction leader position, you may appoint a general, or Second In Command rank (This can be any officer rank not your Second Highest rank), so long as there is availability and proper reasoning. Appointing a new faction leader must be approved by management.
  • Promotions:
    • Officer promotions will have a minimum of 1 week between promotions.
    • 2nd in command positions will only be open to those currently holding an active officer rank.
      Demotions: In order for a demotion to take place, you must have valid reasoning to back yourself up, whether they be from in-character, or out-of-character. Proof may come
  • Documents: Changing information on docs without said permission can result in a 1-week ban if not a permanent depending on severity.
    Playing on the whitelist of a faction that you are not a part of, unless it is for training, is prohibited.
  • All SOC's must require, at the minimum, all people who tryout to be E-4+ with their country's respective training designation.
  • In order to officially resign and hand the faction to another player, Executives must be notified of the event, and approve of the new leader.
  • There is NO dual factioning allowed if you are at least the rank of O-1 in any faction. Unless with executive approval.
  • Discord: Abuse of any permissions granted by rank or position in an official Discord will result in a 1-week ban.

Wartime Rules
  • Players can only swap sides to help a war with staff permission. If there is no staff on, players can swap if they are reasonably outnumbered.
  • Should you find yourself within the enemy base during the war, You will be warned for FailRP and promptly respawned
  • Do not Precap. All players have to be within their Base Borders/walls for 1 minute until the war.
  • DO NOT kill during the preparation phase or sabotage the enemy's fortifications.

PTE Rules
  • PTE can only be granted by an O-1+ or the highest one and is void upon death and would have to leave base immediately if pulling out a weapon (accidental or not).
  • You may NOT kidnap someone with PTE or for the first 15 seconds after their PTE ends.
  • If PTE is revoked, you must allow them 15 seconds to leave the base.
  • You can not get intel/information while PTE is Given.

Donator Faction Rules
  • Donator Factions may choose any realistic rank structure. IE: Agent, SGT, Director, General, etc are allowed. Fleet Admiral of the Democratic Republic is not.
  • Donator Factions may have ranks that have O-1+ permissions.
  • Donator Faction members, regardless of pay grade, do NOT have any power over other factions. They are always subordinate to the true factions.
    • Enlisted ranks of base factions do not overrule an officer of a donor faction.
  • In order to have the Donator Faction MOS, you MUST be on a Donator Faction WL.
Fortification Tablet Rules
  • You can not block off any doorways, entrances, exits, etc.
  • Tablet is only used for FORTIFICATION, not blocking entrances & exits.
  • No skybases, obstacles must be attached to the floor.
  • Do not force people to crouch/crouch jump to reach a particular area.
Helicopter Rules
  • Use of Attack Helicopters in war (these include any helicopter that has a weapon attached to it): Your side has to be beat by 200 points. Once that number has been lowered to 100, you have to return your Attack Helicopter.​
  • If that threshold has not been reached and you can use an attack helicopter for taking down other helicopters, IF you have talked to the other side for Air to Air Combat.
  • You can not use the other bases resources as in: Repairing/re-arming helicopters or Spawning Helicopters. This can be slightly enforced due to late night activities of showing players around.
  • Raiding : IF you choose to raid with an Attack helicopter, Remember you can not use the opposing sides Re-arming station.
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